Sunday, May 15, 2016

Day 49 - Reverse Diabetes Challenge

We went to my wife's relatives house. We do this every other Sunday so that my kids can play with their cousins and so that my wife can interact with her family. It was a slow day for me. I get to sleep long in the mornings. No one is bothering me because my kids are playing and older cousins are watching over them. I got to get a good day's rest. Woke up at lunch time. Went with my wife to the market and bought veggies for my diet. I'm getting serious now and loose more pounds. I have 2 more weeks to go for my personal challenge. In the afternoon we went to church by 4pm. Had dinner and then went home at 9pm.

Here's what I ate today:

2 chocolate chip cookies at 100 calories

2 ribs at 276 calories
1/4 cup rice at 51 calories

1 Ginangang (roasted banana with butter and some sugar) at 122 calories
1/2 coke at 64 calories

2nd Snack after Church:
1 hotdog in a bun at  250 calories 
1/2 ice cream at 133.5 calories

1 ribs at 138 calories
1 chicken at 246 calories
1/4 cup rice at 51 calories 

1/4 chicharon at 45 calories
1 small popcorn at 106 calories
3 oatmeal cookies at 119 calories
1 magic flakes at 140 calories
1 cup coffee at 73 calories
2 chocolate chip cookies at 100 calories

Running total of 2,013.50 calories

Against 1,337 calories daily to lose 2 pounds. - FAIL
Against my BMR (calories burnt at rest) of 1,692 calories. - FAIL !
And never ever go over 2,337 calories per day - PASS!

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