Sunday, May 22, 2016

Day 59 and Week 7 - Reverse Diabetes Challenge

Back to my diet. What a sweet weekend. I ate a lot! On saturday I had 3 slices of Pizza, 1 big bottle beer and a glass of rhum. Party! Anyways back to reality.

2 cookies at 100 calories
1 cup coffee at 70 calories with 3 spoons oatmeal at 100 calories

1 small Nagaraya at 37.5 calories
1/2 sandwich at 138 calories

3 oatmeal cookies at 121.23 calories

1 magic flakes at 140 calories

1 Nova at 140 calories

1 chicken tinola at 197 calories

1 cup coffee at 70 calories
4 spoons oatmeal at 40 calories

1 Nova at 140 calories
1 Chip delight at 100 calories

Running total of 1,323.73 calories.

Against 1,320 calories/day to lose 2 pound per week. PASS (I declare it a pass w/ only 3.73 calories difference)
Against 1,689 calories/day for my BMR (calories burnt at rest).  PASS!
Against 1,820 calories/day to lose 1 pound per week. PASS!
And never ever go over 2,320 calories per day. PASS!

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