Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Day 16 - Reverse Diabetes Challenge

I'm a little sad today. I measured my fasting blood sugar and its 10.44mmol/L against last week's 9.8mmol/L. It increased by 0.64mmol/L. I decreased my weight but my blood sugar increased. This means its due to the quality or the kind of food that I eat. I think this came about last week's binge when I ate a lot of cake, ice cream etc.

Now, I will really have to take a look at what I eat. Need to review low glycemic foods. While googling about the topic, I learned that I should take note of the glycemic load rather than the glycemic index. Read it here.

I also searched the net and found a list of some food that I usually eat and their glycemic index and load.


For breakfast I had my 1 replacement meal at 100 calories. For lunch I had 1 cup chicken tinola soup (without the chicken) at 97 calories. For snacks, I ate 1 small Oishi chocolate pillows at 140 calories and 3 Safari garlic chili corn at 180 calories. Breakfast and lunch is a total of 517 calories.

Ate 1 cup rice at 204 calories for dinner with 1 serving sinuglaw at 150 calories and snacks of 1 Nova Multigrain snack at 140 calories. Making my evening consumption to a total of 494 calories.

That's a total of 1,011 calories today against 1,128 calories per day to lose 3 pounds. I have a deficit of 117 calories. Against 1,681 calories burned at rest, I have a deficit of 670 calories. Looks like a good day for me today and to think I only had 1 replacement meal. 

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