Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 24 - Reverse Diabetes Challenge

Breakfast was 1 replacement meal at 100 calories, 1 cookie at 48 calories. Snacks was 10 pieces pringles at 93.75 and 1 spoon ice cream at 26.25 calories and 1 small pack Nagaraya nuts at 35 calories with a total of 303 calories.

Lunch was 1 meal replacement at 100 calories. Snacks was 1 pack oatmeal cookie at 140 calories, 2 small packs Nagaraya nuts at 75 calories and 1 vegetable salad at 68 calories.

Dinner was 1/2 cup of rice at 102 calories and 1 serving of bicol express at 307 calories.

Snack was 1 pandesal at 33 calories, 1 serving noodles soup w 1/4 noodles at 60 calories and 1 cheese sandwich at 138 calories

As of now my total calorie consumption is 1,326 calories against 1,337 calories daily to lose 2 pounds. I have a deficit of 11 calories. Against my BMR of 1,692 calories I have a deficit of 366 calories.

So far so good. I have not gone beyond my limits and maintained it since Sunday. That's 5 days of sticking to my diet.

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