Saturday, April 2, 2016

Reverse Diabetes Challenge Day 5

April 2, 2016
Day 6 of my Reverse Diabetes Challenge

Woke up at 7am and had breakfast meal replacement with 100 calories.

It was my eldest son's recognition day. Derek is among the highest honors of has Grade 1 class. Congratulations son!


My mom treated the kids to McDonalds at Matina. It' their favorite place to play. Aptly Mcdonald's called it Playplace. Since I'm there I ordered Burger Mcdo at 250 calories with Coke Zero. So far so good. Until I remembered that we were invited to the blessing of my friend's karenderia and pisonet. Karenderia is like a small restaurant that only sells food but you don't dine in. Pisonet is a computer for rent that has a slot for a one peso coin or five peso coin.

In almost every party in the Philippines there is always litson and dinuguan. So I got 1 cup of rice at 200 calories, 3 tablespoons of litson at 163.5 calories, 2 tablespoons of dinuguan at 64 calories and 2 tablespoons of menudo at 52 calories and 1/4 slice of mango float at 65 calories. For breakfast and lunch I consumed a total of 894.50 calories. Sarj told us to come back at 6pm because our other friends will come at dinner instead. So my wife and I decided to go back. Uh-oh.

True enough my Uh-oh was right. I had a hard time of disciplining myself. So what did I have for dinner? I ate 1/2 cup of rice at 100 calories, 3 tablespoons of litson at 163.5 calories, 2 tablespoons of dinuguan at 64 calories and 4 bottles of San miguel light beer at 420 calories (105 calories each. Dinner consisted of 747.5 calories.

Lets sum it up!

Breakfast - replacement meal 100 calories.
Lunch - Burger Mcdo at 250 calories
             1 cup of rice at 200 calories
             3 tablespoons of litson at 163.5 calories
             2 tablespoons of dinuguan at 64 calories
             2 tablespoons of menudo at 52 calories
             1/4 slice of mango float at 65 calories
Dinner - 1/2 cup of rice at 100 calories
              3 tablespoons of litson at 163.5 calories
              2 tablespoons of dinuguan at 64 calories
              4 bottles of San miguel light beer at 420 calories

Bringing my total calories consumed for the day at 1,642 calories against my required daily calorie intake of 2,619 calories. Leaving me with a 977 deficit. If you measure it with my BMI and calories burn at rest at 1,719 calories, I have a deficit of 77 calories.

During dinner it was discussed that Coke Zero was bad for my health because of aspartame and that it will lead to cancer. Well, I definitely look into that. Another thing was my brother told me that it is better to change the quality of my food rather than calorie counting. True. However, I told him that the goal for my first week of my diet is to prove to myself that I can stick to a diet. Thus allowing myself to "cheat" on eating normal food. My goal on the 2nd week of the diet is to eat half of what I should eat and lessen my normal food by half. Boo-hoo-hoo. That will be the time that I will adhere (50%) to Professor Roy Taylor's diet as seen in this link

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