Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 32 - Reverse Diabetes Challenge

It's our belated celebration of my wife's birthday today. We went to Gmall to watch Avengers: Civil War. Had a fun day. Went out at 11am and went back home at 10pm. Almost half a day out.

For breakfast I had my coffee at 100 calories and 1/8 cup of rice at 51 calories.

For lunch we ate at Mcdonald's, I had a cheese burger at 290 calories, 1/4 fried chicken at 73 calories, 1/2 lasagna from Greenwich at 180 calories.

Then we went to the cinema to watch the show. The action scenes were too fast. It was a blur. The director should have slowed it down. The action scenes weren't fun to watch. While watching I ate 1 big Nova chips at 120 calories.

For dinner we went to Mandarin and I had 1/2 cup of rice at 102 calories and 1 serving of beef steak at 271 calories, 1/2 lumpia shanghai at 21.5 calories, 2 shark's fin dumplings at 104 calories.

We bought groceries then had the kids have their rides at the small arcade. Then went home. I had a snack of  1 peach mango pie at 120 calories and 1 small pack nuts at 33.5 calories.

That's a total of 1,466 calories against 1,337 calories daily to lose 2 pounds. I am over 129 calories.  Against my BMR of 1,692 calories I have a deficit of 266 calories.

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